Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a job through Phoenix Staffing?

Simply visit the Search Jobs section of our website and complete an online application.

How often should I contact your office after an interview?

Phoenix Staffing will contact you as positions you are well suited for become available. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us as at 630.446.4030.

What if I am not interested in a certain position when it is offered; is it all right to turn it down?

Not every job is going to meet your expectations. If you are not interested in a position, you are free to decline. Phoenix Staffing will continue to offer positions to you based on your skills and preferences.

What if I am on an assignment and decide it is not for me?

We realize that not every position is a good fit for you; sometimes you do not know that until you have tried the position. If you are on a job and find it is not going to work for you, we ask that you contact us immediately. You may be asked to stay long enough for us to find a replacement, but we will attempt to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. As with any interaction, communication is the key. We expect open communication from you and you can expect the same from the Phoenix Staffing office.

What do I pay for your services?

Phoenix Staffing's services are provided at NO FEE to candidates.

What kind of benefits do you offer to temporary employees?

Eligible employees at Phoenix Staffing are provided a wide range of benefits, including: health insurance and holiday and vacation benefits. Please call our office at 630.446.4030 for more details.

What kind of positions do you fill?

We fill a variety of positions in office/clerical, light industrial, accounting/finance, engineering, IT, HR, sales and marketing, professional and legal, on a temporary, temp-to-hire, and full-time basis.